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Prikaz uporabe Listine Evropske unije o temeljnih pravicah in razmerja do drugih pravnih instrumentov, ki varujejo temeljne pravice v Evropi. Razprava o najaktualnejših praktičnih vprašanjih in spremembah ter seznanitev z uporabo določb o pravici do poštenega sojenja v praksi. Seminar bo izveden v okviru sodelovanja Evropske mreže institucij za izobraževanje v pravosodju (EJTN), Akademije za evropsko pravo (ERA) in Centra za izobraževanje v pravosodju.

Seminar in delavnica bosta potekala 27. in 28. septembra 2021 na daljavo. 

Prijave za seminar zbiramo do 9. avgusta 2021 na elektronski naslov jtc.mp@gov.si


V okviru projekta Uporaba Listine Evropske unije o temeljnih pravicah – poudarek na pravici do poštenega sojenja je bilo izvedenih 7 decentraliziranih seminarjev. Gradivo projekta je dostopno na spletni strani Akademije za evropsko pravo ali na spodnjih povezavah.


Speakers' Contributions 421DT69f - 9-10 December 2021Opens in a new window

Speakers’ Contributions 421DT27e – 25-26 October 2021Opens in a new window

Speakers’ Contributions 421DT26e – 27-28 September 2021Opens in a new window

Speakers’ Contributions 421DT25e – 21-22 June 2021Opens in a new window

Speakers’ Contributions 421DT24e – 12-13 April 2021Opens in a new window

Speakers’ Contributions 421DT36e – 11-12 February 2021Opens in a new window

Speakers’ Contributions 420SDT110 – 8-9 October 2020


Gradivo posameznih predavateljev v angleškem jeziku je na voljo na spodnjih povezavah:


Relationship between the CFR and ECHROpens in a new window 

Nina Betetto


Independence and impartiality of tribunals in the CJEU case lawOpens in a new window 

Nina Betetto


Convention and Charter - 2 systems in comparison: fair trial, efficient remedy, field of applicationOpens in a new window 

Case studiesOpens in a new window 

Gabriel N. Toggenburg


Applying the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union: focus on the right to a fair trial. The Relationship between the Charter and the ECHROpens in a new window 

Rick Lawson


EU law procedural rights standards in practice, limits and balancingOpens in a new window 

Case study: Application of EU secondary law in light of the Charter procedural provisions in CJEU preliminary ruling proceedingsOpens in a new window 

Sara Iglesias Sánchez


The doctrine of effective judicial protection in the European Court of Justice (ECJ) case lawOpens in a new window

Case studyOpens in a new window 

Sophie Robin-Oliver


The doctrine of effective judicial protection in CJEU case lawOpens in a new window 

Tobias Lock


Right to an effective remedy under Art. 47 CFROpens in a new window 

Filippo Fontanelli


Rights of the defence in criminal and other proceedings in EU lawOpens in a new window 

Dominik Düsterhaus


Legal Fees and Legal Aid in EU LawOpens in a new window

Case study: Access to a court in EU lawOpens in a new window 

Pekka Pohjankoski


The Right to Legal Aid in the EU Legal OrderOpens in a new window

Goran Selanec


Limitations of Art 47 CFREUOpens in a new window

Goran Selanec


Case studies: The field of application of the Charter CFROpens in a new window 

Enrique Arnaldos Orts


Case study: Restrictions on Article 47 EU CharterOpens in a new window

Magdalena Ličková


Case study: Rights of the defence in EU lawOpens in a new window 

Athina Giannakoula


Case study: The relevance of the EU Charter for criminal lawyersOpens in a new window

Amedeo Barletta


Case study: The right to Interpretation and Translation in criminal proceedingsOpens in a new window

Elise Martin-Vignerte


Case study: The relevance of the EU Charter for civil lawyersOpens in a new window 

Michaela Hájková


Posnetki predavanj so na voljo na spodnjih povezavah:


Limitations on Article 47 EU Charter in CJEU case law (video podcast)
Goran Selanec

The Right to Legal Aid in the EU Legal Order (video podcast)
Goran Selanec

The Convention and the Charter systems in comparison (video podcast)
Gabriel Toggenburg

The doctrine of effective judicial protection in CJEU case law (video podcast)
Prof Tobias Lock

Legal Fees and Legal Aid in EU Law (video podcast)
Pekka Pohjankoski

Rights of the defence in EU law (video podcast)
Dr Athina Giannakoula

The doctrine of effective judicial protection in the European Court of Justice (ECJ) case law (video podcast)
Professor Sophie Robin-Olivier

The Relationship between the Charter and the ECHR case law (video podcast)
Prof. Dr Rick Lawson

Independence and impartiality of tribunals in the CJEU case law (video podcast)
Nina Betetto

Rights of the defence in criminal and other proceedings in EU law (video podcast)
Dominik Düsterhaus

Relationship between the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the EU and the European Convention on Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (video podcast)
Nina Betetto

Right to an effective remedy under Art. 47 CFR (video podcast)
Filippo Fontanelli

Kontaktni naslov

Tina Banfi

Spletno mesto uporablja piškotke, s katerimi izboljšujemo uporabniško izkušnjo. Z uporabo spletne strani Centra za izobraževanje v pravosodju potrjujete, da se z njihovo uporabo strinjate.